
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Rose on a Ramble. Again

As promised, a return visit to the 'outlaws' patch shows a bevvy of beauties; a plethora of pretties and a garden chock full of all things floral.

Two very different forms of Acer

A couple of cheery Begonias.

This Dahlia looks magnificent against the rich red of this Virginian Creeper which completely covered a large fence.

I believe this shrub to be a Lonicera Pileata. It has bright blue berries. I had thought it to be a form of hebe, but I a little research suggested not.

This chunky looking spider is perfectly at home in its web among the shrubs - can you spot it?

Finally, a proud look at the orchid I managed to make re-flower. Isn't it looking grand?

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