
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


March. The month of expectation!

"Winds of March, we welcome you,

There is work for you to do.

Work and play and blow all day,

Blow the Winter wind away."

It's one of those days where the wind could bite you in two, but when the sun comes out it warms your face like on a summer's day.

One word of warning though.  As the warmth of the sunshine tempts us out into the garden, so it tempts the pests out too!  As the leaves begin to unfurl, it is too much for the slugs and snails to resist.  It's time to be prepared.

Another thing to consider.  The lovely clear blue sky with it's lovely warm sunshine is a warning to we gardeners.  It means a very cold night, often below freezing at this time of the year, so don't be tempted to spend money at the garden centre too soon!

In the early part of March I tend to prune my roses.  Always prune to an outward facing bud to create an open shape, and cut out any crossing or dead/dying stems.  I'll give some of my clematis a quick tidy up too (depending on which group of course).  And if you're careful, rake up any old leaf matter atc from around the plants as they emerge. 

This is one of the succulents I bought last year from the Botanical Gardens plant sales beginning to emerge from it's long winter nap.

An untidy buddliea behind the garage.  It'll have an annual prune in the coming weeks before the proper growth begins.  It'll do no harm because they flower on the current year's growth.  By pruning  to about 12" from the ground it will sprout fresh growth thickly, and thus produce more flowers.

More spring bulbs emerging - hyacinth in this case

This is unusual.  It's a herbacious geranuim.  As it's down in the 'acid' bed behind the greenhouse, I can only suggest it's coming into leaf so early because of how sheltered it is down there.  A great sign as long as it stays frost-free!

Keep an eye out for those slugs!

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