
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month



If I remember rightly, last April treated us to high temperatures. Today we have had a maximum of 32C!  Unfortunately, my greenhouse isn't quite as full as it had been last year as exams have been looming.

The plants in the garden have responded well to the summer-like weather, this is Dicentra

Two varieties of Bergenia

The ever-increasing Muscari

And the baskets of Violas have really perked up!

Since the weather is improving, it's time to move the hens into their summer home, at the bottom of the garden.  It takes myself and The Man That Can a good few hours to move the coop, run and all the kit and kaboodle, and give the patio a thorough scrub.  This is Fawkes

The lovely Lola, who incidently, began laying again the very day I last posted that we'd given up expecting anything from her again!

And the huge Hedwig.  Biggest but by far the most shy of our brood

Our little Bumblebee keeping the girls entertained while we get on with the job at hand.

The girls checking out their new quarters.  I wonder if Lola remembers being down here before winter set in?

Back to the flowers, and this seems to be the only tulip to show it's face so far, and what an interesting face it is too.

It's a dog's life.  This is Ellie sunning herself on the freshly scrubbed-to-within-an-inch-of-its-life patio.

Last April saw cooler temperatures with traditional showers towards the end of the month - I'll report back later to see how it compares.

Enjoy the garden this weekend.  It's going to be lovely!

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