
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month



We decided to head off on our holidays to find some sun, leaving the garden to nature.  On our return we discovered lily beetle had struck!  I lost all of my lilies to this bright red beetle and its birdpoo-like grubs.  I just hope we managed to save enough leaves to feed the bulbs for the future, but I fear the worst.  It's such a shame, I had built up quite a collection of my favourite summer flower.

Everything else in the garden had fared much better with our neglect.  The first job however was to mow the lawn!

Our neighbour who had been caring for our hens had also been picking any ripe fruit in the garden.  We have decided to give him the fruit bushes as he might fare better with raspberries and currants.  I'll stick with ornamentals I think.

Sometimes, being lazy has its rewards.  I had left hanging baskets on their hooks outside the back door since last autumn.  Despite freezing temperatures over winter and not being watered, imagine my surprise when we came back from our jollies and found these gems had not only regrown but are in bloom!

Ellie decides the clear up is too much like hard work and takes it easy in some sunshine while it lasts.

Inside, there are more surprises.  One of my 3 orchids is blooming and the other 2 are in bud.

Perhaps August will be a better month.

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