
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


The First Cut is the Deepest

Along with the overgrown front garden, there are 3 conifers in the back garden that have been allowed to get out of hand.  The first job, even before a lick of paint is applied inside our new home was to get a tree surgeon round to clear some space.  I cannot understand why home owners allow their plants to take over.

At the beginning of our second week in our new patch the tree surgeons arrived to clear out the offending overgrown plants and pruned the Rheus in the front garden.  The latter is going to be a work in progress as it will need pruning properly in the winter.

The adjoining neighbour has cut back his Elder that was overhanging our front garden and I called out the council to cut back a street tree that was also blocking out much valued natural light.  The neighbour has also cut back some branches of his eucalyptus that were encroaching my windows at the back.

Job's a good un. The difference is astounding.  Let the planting begin!

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