
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Project Wildlife Pond

On a recent visit to our favourite garden (and its owners of course), we sat whiling away some time by their pond.  They have the most beautiful wildlife pond fed by an amazing little stream.  It looks so natural that if we hadn't seen it being created, we would not have known it wasn't.

The Man that Can from that garden was good enough to draw up a plan for our very own little water feature.  We 'lived' with the plan for a while before my own Man that Can decided that with a little adaptation he was ready to begin.

The original plan was to have a pond at the top of this part of the patio feeding a waterfall and another pond below on the bottom.  We discussed it, but because we have dogs and regularly disinfect the main patio, it wouldn't be suitable for a pond on the bottom part.  So we would adapt it to fit it all on the top part.  (also away from little ones when they visit).

We've decided that our garden breeds rocks.  Fortunately many of the rocks could be useful.

The soil beneath sand and rocks beneath the thin layer of concrete beneath the slabs was of really good quality.  It might not be as long a project as first imagined.

A much needed rest before discovering the liner wasn't quite level and having to be removed.

Rocks dug up having a good scrub.

And Bob's your mother's brother!

The ferns from the wicker basket were found a more permanent home, along with a couple of lily of the valley plants from our friends and the lilac coloured hardy geranium that didn't quite fit in the pink garden.  The 'log' came with us from our old garden and will be the perfect place for froglets to hide should we be fortunate to get some.

Isn't it amazing what you can create in a weekend?


  1. And it looks beautiful in the flesh too. You all worked so hard, and I'm sure you will soon have some wildlife. And a little thank you to my man that can for designing it lol
