
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Rose on a Ramble

We visited our friends in The Netherlands this week and helped out in the garden. First stop was the garden centre of course and filled the car with lots of lovelies

Firstly the plants we had brought over with us had to find new homes, along with those snaffled from another of our friends garden back at the beginning of summer.

Some evergreens were added in the form of hebes and euonymous. 

We replaced the cane supports for something a little less conspicuous, and some plants were given a bit of a tidy up. 

This corner was to receive a bit of a makeunder and we added a large clump of foxgloves to flower next year. 

The hellebores had a bit of a tidy. 

And here we added a dicentra, which is now dying down. It will be back in the spring. 

More wire supports added here to the dahlias. 

And a lovely red grass planted. 

Geranium and another hebe join a few clumps of primulas, a fuchsia and a passion flower to train up a fan to the right of shot. 

My own Man that Can joined my friend's Man that Will to set up a waterbutt and we planted a large grass to eventually help hide it. 

The trellis was erected and passion flower attached. 

Another trellis panel attached and one of 3 honeysuckles moved from the corner to this area. 

This was the congested corner of the garden. The other two honeysuckles remain but we have hard pruned the clematis. I took cuttings of the clematis for myself and the ones of the scented honeysuckle were taken for our friend's mum. 

Once the garden matures, it'll all fill out lovely. Another visit will of course be needed to enjoy it. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you certainly did a lot of hard work on your 'holiday' lol it looks good and next year I can see it in the flesh.
