
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


September's end

Last week I 'tested the water' by driving to the garden centre (well a girl has to get her priorities right). Since I managed that ok, I figured I would be OK to drive to work.  The plants were purchased, but there was a distinct lack of energy to be able to plant them, so they waited patiently for today.

Here, violas, white cyclamen and variegated ivy above white narcissus bulbs for the spring.

All of the bulb containers were emptied, sifted through and repotted.  Beneath these self seeded violas in this little blue pot hides a multitude of spring bulbs. 

Likewise in the naked pot below crammed into fresh compost are the remaining bulbs from our bulb replanting. I have absolutely no idea which bulbs, which colours or when they are likely to bloom, so it'll be a surprise.

Another two containers have been emptied, the compost riddled through to remove the bulbs (lilies this time) and replanted in fresh. A skimmia in each pot to extend the interest completes the sentry either side of the gate.

And although it's not evident yet, a pink late flowering clematis has been planted either side of the Folly and trained around the arch.

Out front, the hydrangea has been repositioned beside the rhododendron. Leaf mould has been used as a mulch and the bark and twiggy bits replaced to discourage the local cats...

There has been a couple of fatalities. I've lost one of the fuchsia cuttings and the last remaining clematis cutting from NL. 

The fuchsias in the mangers and the last remaining hanging basket of summer bedding were potted up, along with two pelargoniums to be brought inside as it turns cooler.  Bright pink cyclamen from last winter's containers have been planted into the birch bed and the white ones that were being swamped by the ruby violas have been replanted in this wooden trough along with some lilac and yellow violas and white narcissus bulbs.

And still no wildlife in the pond.
Not even water boatman.

Other jobs around the garden that have been ticked off, mainly carried out by The Man That Can, are emptying and refilling of the compost bins, putting the leaf mould product into hessian bags to try to prevent the blackbirds chucking it about, and planting a large clump of crocosmias from our friends' garden into the front garden.

Bring on autumn. We're ready!

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