
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Productive day's work

The Man That Can and Bumblebee had an away day. Since it was such a beautiful day I thought I would get cracking on cutting back and clearing away for autumn.

There was enough waste plant material from cutting back and clearing to top up my compost bins. Most of it came from the white/pink bed and Bumblebee's plot.

This clematis is scrambling over the archway with the two honeysuckles. The lilies below are flowering themselves daft, despite having hardly any leaves. Last year I brought the flowers inside due to the wet weather.

I had clean forgotten I had bought a pink daylily! What a delightful surprise.

I had to browse my previous blog entries to check, but the above hydrangea is my 'blue' one....

The one below is my 'red' one...

And of course the inherited lilac one out front, which is spectacular!

Bumblebee's plot has produced garlic of varying success. Not bad at all for his first attempt.

Plans are already being drawn up for his 2016 plot.

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