
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Day 4 Spring Project

As soon as the covers came off this morning I thought I would grab the opportunity to snap some shots of the housings for the spotlights.

The levels are now done. At the back edge, the footings are going down for the planters which will have a seat between.

Gavin at the back and Dave in the foreground pleased to see the refreshments.

A little excitement to end the day, this little chap suddenly appeared in the garden, obviously keen to see how the work was progressing. A mad 10 minutes to try and catch him (he's better at this game than us) revealed no name or number on the collar! He's not familiar to anyone in the neighbourhood - and boy did he whiff!

Various telephone conversations later he was about to be taken to the dog shelter in the hope he'd have a microchip, when our neighbour returned to say she'd found a young lad wandering around looking for his lost pet and sent him our way. Both were happy to be reunited, and just in the nick of time; another 5 minutes and The Man That Can and Bumblebee would have left for the shelter!

A timely reminder that all dogs should be microchipped.


  1. A happy ending for the dog and its owner thank goodness.
    Wowie things are really taking shape now aren't they. It's going to look so good. Can't wait to sit out there.
