
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Day 9 - Stage 4

Yes I know that I have missed out Day 8, but Gavin has been a little below par with "man flu" which eventually took its toll and he phoned in sick yesterday. The only event of note therefore was a delivery of finer hardcore and sand.

So this morning, bright and early (Bumblebee and myself still breakfasting) the chaps cracked on fuelled with McCoffee

Dave wackaplated (is that even a verb?) the finer hardcore, before preparing the mix for the pavers...

 with Gavin laying the first level of patio using our original slabs.

Tomorrow the lads will continue laying the patio. I believe the electrician will be coming to fit the lights, then the new patio (below) can be laid.

They've managed to get almost identical slabs for the new levels. It's all coming together now. 

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