
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Stage 3 - Spring Project

Day 6

As promised, today was dry and milder. The birds are busy twitter-pating and the feeders are swiftly depleted.

Spring is most definitely here.

Deliveries began with the hardcore. Barrow-ful by barrow-ful this was transferred to each section of the raised patio areas by Dave and tamped down.

While Gavin completed the seat and pointed up the brickwork.


The wiring was laid down and marked out ready for the electrician to do his part next week.

Day's end was spent moving the new paving down from the road where it had been delivered, and washing down the dust left after moving all the hardcore.

 We hope next week will be dry so the project can be completed.


  1. You must be getting excited now you can see so much progress. Hope it's finished when we come up. Xx
