
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Spring Lost

The calendar says it's spring. The plants are trying so hard to say it's spring, but for most of this week we have had four seasons in each day.  There's been sunshine and snow, rain and hail, we've had the lot!

The Man That Can has been busy this evening, putting plants yet to be planted in the shed as the short range forecast is atrocious for the end of April.  Between sheltering plants and filling up bird feeders, he very kindly took these shots around the garden for me to update the blog. 

The birds don't seem to be fazed by the inclement weather, I just hope any hatched babies aren't affected.  

We have recently invested in a caged bird feeder as the magpies and starlings were gorging on the mealworms.  So far I can report that it has them stumped. Our beautiful Blackbird isn't very happy with the new set up however because he had worked out how to use the old feeder. He shouts his irritation as he drops to the ground to pick up any leftovers.  The sparrows on the other hand seem to be thrilled with the new feeder.

This afternoon I spotted what I thought were a pair of greenfinches on the feeders, but they didn't look quite right. I took a gander at the RSPB website at the male and female greenfinches and was certain these new visitors were different. Thankfully they suggest other, similar birds and recordings of their songs - no, definitely not greenfinches. They are in fact siskins! I've never seen these birds before.  Later this evening the siskin pair returned so I was able to confirm their identity with TMTC and Bumblebee.  I'm a very happy they have found us!

I hope the weather picks up soon, we have a Bank Holiday weekend coming up and there's a plant sale at the Botanical Gardens...I'm sure I can squeeze a few more plants in.


  1. We have just one Siskin that visits the feeder, no friend to keep it company!
    I wish the weather would warm up, its time for some nice weather for a change!

    1. I do too. It's not as much fun gardening in a coat and scarf :o/

  2. Bumble Bees rhubarb is looking healthy. These are lovely photos and I love where you have positioned Ebb xx

  3. She really lights up that corner. I'm thrilled with her xx
