
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


End of Spring review

In the front garden it's all looking a bit overgrown on one side. It isn't, it's just that time of waiting for the early summer blooms of Aquilegia, hardy geraniums and such like to open.  

Having said that, there are areas as above that need filling in. The front garden is very much a herbaceous border with some good shrubs and evergreens for structure.

The hebe 'rhubarb and custard' doesn't stand out very well against the bark mulch here. I will therefore underplant it with a dark leafed ground cover plant.

The plants beneath the bird feeders are beginning to beef up now but there is still too much bare space for this time of the year. Evergreen ground cover is required here, something that doesn't mind being trodden on since the feeders are in an awkward position, and something that can cope with full sun....

I like research...and shopping for the garden.


  1. Wow, your garden is a picture, everything loves growing in it because of the tender loving care it gets.
    I just love this time of year when there are new shoots every time you walk around the garden.
    You really do have a flair for putting it all together.
    Nice to see Ebb is happy in her new home 😀
    I'm looking forward to seeing it all in the flesh at the weekend, and of course helping you choose more new plants xx
