
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Pond update part 2

The first thing we did on Sunday morning was check the pond.  There had been a further drop in water level but not on the scale as last week.

Up it all came once more. This time advice was required from someone in the know.

I didn't want to go to the garden centre filled with all the lovely summer bedding plants...I didn't want to stop off at the allotments on the hill to check out their bedding plant sale. I certainly didn't want to go to the Botanical Gardens plant sale today either!  I was strong! (oh and payday isn't for another 5 days).

But to the garden centre we went....to speak to the pond guy.  Who suggested water might be seeping backwards on the big flat rock that supported the bottom of the waterfall.

He suggested we spend no money. He suggested a sheet of plastic to act as a runway for any escaping dribbles of water to return to the pond...and alter the angle of the supporting rock.

So TMTC spent another hour or so doing just that while the dogs and I enjoyed the sunshine, the sound of feeding fledglings and the busy bees.

And now the sound of trickling water.

Another check before the light fails reveals no drop in water level in the last 5 hours. 


  1. Phew, it looks like your problem is solved (fingers crossed)
