
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


The Heat Is On

In a matter of days it has increased some 20 degrees during the day. It seems very strange to see buds about to open on rose Maigold and daffodils still in bloom.

 A little research suggests it's due to the very cold spring....does that mean therefore that summer has arrived?  When we lived in the Midlands, May was almost always the start of summer. A little further up here in the north it's usually 3 or 4 weeks later, adding weeks the higher up the UK you travel it seems.  In fact there is around 7-10 days' difference between flowers blooming here and those either higher up the village or in the gardens lower down the hill.

This sudden rise in temperature has resulted in an explosion of colour as the tulips take centre stage.

I'm a little late blogging this week as we spent a wonderful weekend in the Peak District at a friends' wedding. 

There was a storm while we were away but the majority of the flowers were spared.

I'm thrilled that my final attempt at growing aubretia has yielded such fantastic results. It's such a vibrant colour.

The osteospermum has overwintered really well. 

This year there are buds on the Peony..I can't remember what colour it is, it's taken so long so it'll be a nice surprise.

It shouldn't be too much longer before the clematis Montana pops open these silky buds. Our friends' in the Netherlands Montana is already in full swing. 

I have one last hydrangea to prune. I shall have to do it one evening this week if I want a good display.

The Wisteria has suddenly sprung into leaf over the weekend.

This is Ebb. She has a sister called Flo in Long Eaton that sits unabashedly above the head of a stream.  Ebb is a little more shy. She chose to brighten up a shady corner surrounded by ferns and primulas. She'll feel better once the plants mature around her.

We returned home to find the blossom just opening in the Yen Garden.

There are a number of bees visiting the apple blossom. For an area dedicated to quiet contemplation, it's a spectacular social hot spot!

I'm overjoyed this acer survived its pot transfer. It's lending a much needed suggestion of maturity in what is a garden in its infancy.

There's a further storm brewing this afternoon. While I'm not a fan myself, the waterbutts need replenishing after this week's 'heatwave'.

Happy gardening!

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