
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Rose on a Ramble

It's about time I did another post about our friends' garden 

This is the end nearest the cottage, and the mouth of the stream.

The new arch has been installed and will be clothed in Wisteria in no time.

We spotted two late racemes of the Wisteria right at the top, the scent of which was still detectable from the ground.

So many varieties of heuchera, grasses and ferns trail along the stream.

This is a new part of the garden that bites into the large raised border. It's really opened up the space and is a lovely spot to have a cuppa in the sunshine.

It's stunning in the flesh, but unfortunately it was too hot on the day to sit in the top part for very long, and the midges were biting in the shady end beside the pond.

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