
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Lazy Sunday

TMTC simply loves these lazy days at week's end when the sun is shining and there's nothing planned.

And then I think it's time to get some plantpot feet to help the new containers survive winter so we 'just nip out' to the big diy store the other side of the city.  While there, I'm to look for 'icy cold' looking plants for Bumblebee's pot.  And there's fence paint of darkest brown to choose for the front garden....oh and since we're that way, paint for the shed at the bottom of the garden in two tones of green.  On reading the guide on the latter, we'll need to sand it down so sandpaper and paint brushes as ours have seen better days.

But they have sold out of pot feet....so a trip to our local garden centre is a must.  The guy at the garden centre is setting up his Christmas display and is more than happy to switch on the little train winding in and out of the various seasonal produce.

What's not to love about these lazy Sundays? 

Oh yes.  Of course now we have the plants, feet and sandpaper,  there's work to do!

A white tipped euonymous is the backbone of Bumblebee's pot, with 3 blue-white violas, 3 blue primulas with white eyes, and a variegated ivy draping over the edge.

There are a lot of buds on the rhododendron in the Yen Garden.  Some are leaf buds and others are flower buds.

The fence erected by our neighbour doesn't look so bad from the bottom. It just needs a lick of paint.

TMTC set to sanding down the shed to prepare it.

All we have to do now is paint...the fence above the bottom shed, the shed, the fence in the front garden and the fence along the drive.  I can hear someone praying for rain...


  1. Poor man that can lol that is a lot of painting. Your Acers are so beautiful, the red is fabulous. Love Bumblebees pot it looks very pretty.
