
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month



January is generally one of our coldest months with northly, biting winds, bitterly cold nights and snow.  We had a cm perhaps at most around the 12th...so far.

As I make this entry the mist is rolling in after a very cold Sunday with the mercury hitting only 2c max. 

However, since it's been dry for a couple of days it was a good time to get out into the fresh air and tackle some tasks fit only for a cold winter's day.

First up, fence painting. It's long overdue, but winter is the perfect time to get the brushes out and treat any wood since plants climbing up it tend to be dormant. 

While The Man That Can is busy with the fence, I cut back the dead fern fronds.

Planted three pots of snowdrops and three pots of dwarf narcissus in the front garden...

...planted a new pinky purple hellebore, split a large clump of hellebores and replanted the sections in the empty spaces in the front garden. 

I weeded and scraped leaf litter from emerging bulbs, while TMTC split a further huge clump of hellebores. Half was returned to the original spot and the other half planted beside the bird bath.

A good watering in, despite the low temperatures help to settle the soil around the new plants...so long as it's not sub-zero. 

In the back garden, further weeding was necessary.  Chickweed is such an issue here, flowering and setting seed whatever the time of year.  We have had a mild few days with temperatures around 6-9c which has helped this nuisance spread.

I'm a sucker for scented plants and Christmas Box is so welcome during the colder months. Tiny white flowers that really pack a punch feed that desire. This one has been planted in the shadier side of the garden beneath the mixed clematis. We have another in the pink garden.

I finally found the right plants for the north side of the bottom shed...evergreen ferns! 

I've heard that some folk think gardening is not for the winter months.  With so much colour and scent available on a cold day, what is stopping you wrapping up warm and taking a walk around your garden? 


  1. It's looking lovely, tidy and colourful. I'm hoping it won't be too long before we visit and have a walk around. Xxx
