
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Eye Candy and Frosting

May is always a tricky month. It seems much cooler than previous years so far, and for the first time since being a gardener I've had frost damage to most of my hydrangeas.  To my knowledge I've also never had daffodils flowering with the first rose blooms!

Clematis montana 'Rubens' seems happy with the temperatures.  We're going to add a couple of extra wires for this clematis and give it a good prune once flowered.

I'm so pleased these pink/yellow Aquilegias have made a come-back this year as I wasn't sure they would survive winter.

Last year I began to rejuvenate this old rhododendron. I cut back about a third, and will prune a further third once flowered this year, with the final third being pruned next year.

By using ericaceous mixed with John Innes 2, using rainwater and a bit of suitable feed, it has repaid us well!

And finally, these are the last of my tulips to open. I love how they almost look like roses. Perfect for beneath r. Maigold

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