
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Summer blooms

I guess you could say it's the height of summer right now.  The second broods of the spuggies have fledged and the bird feeders are a constant meeting point as the youngsters hone their skills of using these tubes of seeds, sunflower hearts and mealworms, often noisily squabbling over them until they realise there are further ports from which to feed.

I've not spotted any of the tadpoles in the last few weeks, but the resident frog is still knocking around. 

Around the patio and terrace this afternoon, the last irises are now opening. 

The hydrangeas are entering the show. Above is the saved-from-skip variety in the left hand side of the patio arch and below is darker pinky-red in the border on the right hand side.

The hydrangea in the Long Border above had been blue, so I need to tweak the acidity in the soil.

The box hedging received a light trim.  It has another foot or so to grow before it'll be the height I plan for to contain the plants within and hide the areas beyond.


And c. Alpina blue dancer below is sending up new stems ready for next year.  They'll not be tied in properly until we've scrubbed and painted the fence on which it is supported.  It will wait until the other clematis on the Long Border have finished flowering so the whole fence can be treated.

TMTC dug up the large clump of Spireae beside the pond in the Long Border.  It had self layered and created a second clump.  One now resides in his parents' garden; the other has been potted up for when our friends move home.

In its place we've planted the Photinia where it will have a chance to put out roots and settle in before winter.

This photo doesn't really do this white verbena/velvety blue-purple petunia combo justice, but it's easily my favourite of the summer bedding this year. 


  1. It was so lovely to see it in the flesh last week, it really is stunning xx

    1. Thank you. Let's not leave it as long next time xx
