
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


New Year, new shoots.

At this time of year it can feel quite bleak.  Grey, dank and miserable.  Nothing to look forward to as winter has yet to really arrive.  After a manic week back in the office, I was desperate to seek solace in the garden.  

The Man That Can and Bumblebee busied themselves painting the new fence since it has been dry enough of late.

While I pottered round the garden for some winter joy to share on our blog.

The three birches are looking good.  The top one could do with a wash but it was a bit too nippy today.

The Tibetan cherry could also benefit from a rinse. 

These rhododendrons are fattening up their buds in preparation for their turn in the spotlight.  The one above (r. Christmas Cheer) should flower in the next couple of weeks

Beside the pond, the first snowdrops have opened.  I almost missed them.

One of the first perennials to push through the soil is this sedum (Hylotelephium) Autumn Joy. It's tight rosettes will happily shrug off the winter should it become as bad as last year.

On the fence of the Terrace Border, evergreen clematis Armandii is so close to opening its flowers. Tomorrow maybe, if the sun comes out!

These white with pink flecked bracts belong to the first hellebore to bloom while enjoying a sheltered, elevated position on the potting table on the terrace. 

In the front garden, the evergreens are dominant.  It will be some time before the two Osmanthus burkwoodii will flower but the hellebores have certainly begun their parade!

Waiting to join in with the fanfare are the snowdrops.  It won't be long.

1 comment:

  1. Your Tibetan Cherry bark is just beautiful, such a rich colour.
    Our snowdrops that we brought with us from our ex home are just peeping through in our new garden.
