
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Battening down the hatches...

...in preparation for storm Ciara which is whipping up in the Atlantic ocean as I type.

We have 16 trees, most of which are still quite youthful and needed their stakes and ties checking, and the ground firming.  The roses were also firmed in and had a bit of a prune to help prevent wind rock.  We will check them again after the storm has passed, particularly as snow is predicted for next week. 

Since the sun was shining, it was a good day for a bit of a tidy up to allow the spring bulbs some room to show off.

We have removed the ivy from the boundary wall 

Pruned the clematis that intertwines r. Maigold.

Cleared the old foliage from around the pond, scrubbed the waterfall and removed some pond weed.

Given the Acer Crimson King a little trim to remove crossing branches and any growing in the wrong direction.  We also trimmed the staghorn branches.

Pruned all the later flowering clematis.  The Montana looks good.  We gave it a hard prune last summer/autumn as it was getting out of hand.  It won't take long before the fence is smothered again.

Juicy fat sedum buds are pushing through. 

And the hellebores are looking amazing. 

The Yen had a tiny spruce up, by vacuuming the fallen leaves.

Rhododendron Christmas Cheer about to burst open it's bright pink blooms. 

We spent 2 and a half hours in the garden, working together.  Good for the body and soul.  Time to get warm and wait for the storm to pass.

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