
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


The problem with aging....

...is that the mind and body often clash.  The mind suggests that this needs an overhaul or that needs attention.  The body stands, hands on hips, with an attitude and says hell no!

I do love a bit of a clash in the garden however. 

The two gardens that for me have really surpassed my expectations this year are the Yen (above) and Mugwart's Retreat (below).  The plants have really settled in since they both had an overhaul and I'm really enjoying the firm shapes with pops of colour in the Yen.  The serenity continues in Mugwart's Retreat but with a more relaxed vibe. 

Since this photo was taken of the Retreat however, our neighbour has removed the high hedge so the light has changed a little.  We shall soon find out the impact on the plants on this once shaded area.

Sadly the impact has already been felt with the loss of habitat for the sparrows that had called this large expanse of evergreen hedging home.  There has been a marked decline in feathered visitors to our bird feeders, as they have flown further afield in search of shelter. 

A little solace was discovered today in our tiny pond.  The miniature water lily has produced a single bloom!

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