
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


The Garden Awakes


The first week in March felt like spring was certainly on its way with clematis Armandii smothered in sweetly scented flowers, perfectly positioned for early pollinators in full sun. 

Just as the brightly coloured bulbs and corms were getting into full swing, winter returned.

Initially the snow provided a pretty foil for the flowers.

But the snow continued...

Settled heavily, causing damage to one of our neighbour's acers...

The Man That Can was quick to shake the thick snow from our shrubs and trees to prevent any damage. 

There was a day's respite before yet more snow fell.

More than enough to build a 6 foot snowman!

Before clearing a path to allow access in case of further snowfall. 

As you can see, TMTC again diligently shook the snow from the trees and shrubs. Isn't he an angel? 

Finally the clouds parted and the sun shone. The sky truly was this blue, and the snow quickly melted from the trees next door.

But of course gardening on the edge of the peak district means the snow tends to linger and it took a warmer front with heavy rain to finally wash away the last of the white stuff.

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