
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


I never expected that!

To be perfectly honest, I thought the city council had completely forgotten to plant a new tree to replace the beautiful gnarled old flowering cherry tree outside our house they unceremoniously ripped out in May 2014.

I say ripped out...what I actually mean is chopped off leaving a 3.5ft stump.

Well over 15 months later after numerous emails, complaints and excuses I managed to 'encourage' them to remove the stump along with several others along our street in a similar state (and the unsightly plastic bright orange barriers that instead of preventing people coming a cropper by bumping into the stumps caused more issues every time they blew over in the wind!)

So finally, almost 2 years after the council removed all the lovely mature trees in our road, may I present Jeff? I've named the tree after my boss at work - upright and bold (the human recently left the military as a L. Colonel) who never fails to surprise me. I'm hoping this whippy will be just as stubborn!

I'm not much of an arboriculturist and have no clue what Jeff actually is.....yet. A further surprise awaits, but I'm hoping it has pink blossom (now there's an image!)

1 comment:

  1. So happy that at last the old tree has been replaced with a new one. I look forward to seeing it blossom.
