
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Sunshine on a rainy day...

Gardening is good for the soul.  Even a walk around between showers to take some photos has lifted the spirits on what is a 'rest day' in my phased return to work. 

As the Viburnum flowers fade, wallflowers are coming into bloom with their unmistakable spicy scent.

Within the plant support below are Peony buds. Perhaps 2016 will be their year to begin flowering... To the right is one of the pink dicentra clumps.

And below clematis Montana.

I moved the pot of muscari and laid down some logs to create a damp spot in the hope of encouraging some critters to the pond.  I also added a couple more rocks to the sloping side to help any aforementioned critters access the water.

I plan to scrape this side of the pond back, add a liner, replant it with bog plants and thicken the planting up somewhat to create a better route for any wildlife to enter/exit the water in privacy...I have been researching ways to make our little pond more attractive to wee beasties.

Round to the front garden and things are filling out once more.  We've had a couple of very cold nights recently, waking up to frost which may have had an effect, but on a good look around it seems the only reaction is a sharp intake of breath against the chill.

The osmanthus has loads of scented flowers this year.

I'm thrilled to see the clumps of aubretia are not only surviving, but thriving - finally!

Sambuccus nigra has suddenly put on growth and forming flower buds.

Beneath which are clumps of tulips.

The acers next door are coming into leaf already, but ours are still in bud.

Fresh new growth of both pieris above and photinia below delivers a shot of bright red.

Swelling buds of rhododendron. The one below still retains the previous spent flower which I won't remove just yet. It's still a wee bit chilly.

It does appear pretty bare still, but a closer look reveals everything seems to have survived the mild if wet winter, even the hibiscus!

More rain is forecast for the next few days. It'll fill the waterbutts back up - and afford The Man That Can some much needed rest before he returns to the latest project.


  1. You have lots of lovely colour in your garden and the new growth on your shrubs is beautiful. We have a wildlife pond which has a pebble beach which slopes down into the water so little creatures can get in and out easily, especially hedgehogs. The birds use the shallow end as a bird bath with a lot of splashing! Grass snakes have been seen swimming in it and we usually have lots of tadpoles and newts swimming around. The planting is very thick round the edge so the wildlife can hide when it wants to. It is a very peaceful area with a seat, but we usually leave it just for the wildlife.

    1. Thank you For the tips Pauline. I'm still quite new to water gardening so am very eager to hear how others get on.

  2. It's looking so lovely, you have a real flair for gardening and no one would think you've only been there a couple or is it three, years. You have really made it 'your own'

  3. Oh btw I like the new look to your blog 😀

    1. Thank you Colly. It will be 3 years in June! xx
