
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


The Pink Garden

A review of the pink garden shows more green than pink. The bright spring pinks of the primulas has passed, although there are further buds on the plants to give a later display. Once the first flourish is over I find they bloom sporadically til the frosts.

Lime green heuchera, pink forget-me-nots and white Bellis perenis...the latter keep getting attacked by birds, along with the creamy white prims.  A large hardy geranium is filling out nicely now to the left.

A scented honeysuckle is scrambling away up this side of the arch.

English or Spanish?

The ferns have been slow to emerge down here, as has the hosta.  It's a very sheltered cool side of the garden.

I didn't think the white dicentra had survived the winter...this plant never fails to amaze me.  The pink version in the patio beds will be divided this year and a couple of plantlets popped down here.

Still plenty of space down here for the plants to beef up. Despite there being a tree, r. Dawn, r. Mum in a million, and a Viburnum, it still feels very flat in this part of the garden. There is a winter jasmine and a climbing hydrangea to help cover the fence, but the clematis doesn't seem very happy and although there appears to be some buds in the leaf joins, nothing seems to be in a hurry to progress. I'll give it until the end of June before I decide to lift it.

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