
Focus on our 20 Trees

Monthly Missions

Plant of the Month


Time for a change

As May is coming to its end, thoughts begin to focus on the summer ahead. I don't generally plant up my baskets until late May since I don't have a greenhouse in this garden to help bring them on and harden the bedding plants off, and there's still a fair risk of late frosts up here.

So I reckon this post is more about 'jobs to do' rather than oooh look how beautiful this flower is.... 💞

Firstly the issue of the reluctant clematis in the pink garden and whether or not to move it to a sunnier spot.

And gaps..

....in the dry bed

... the bed in front of the shed

... the patio bed (May flowering narcissus!)

...and at the toe and head ends of the pond. The issue here however is access. At the toe end (above) the fern will soon hide the space where we tend to place a foot to get access to this end of the pond and surrounding plants, so this end could probably be left alone.

At the head end (below) I though about planting the broken pot of muscari around the base of the clematis at the back and perhaps moving the Japanese Anemone back a bit. I could then just fill the foreground with more ferns and Heucheras.

All the heucheras and violas are for now going to fill all those other spaces (waste not, want not).

The seat planters are going to be the providers of most of the above 'fillers' to make room for billowing petunias etc.

There is a clematis at the back there with buds just swelling. Two wooden trellis panels will be made available for it to scramble over (once they've been painted).

Another pot of iris that needs the Monty Don approach (above)

This spot around the bird bath is screaming out for some attention.

As are the spring pots on the terrace which will be replaced with our new ones currently hiding behind the seat!

There's another bank holiday weekend looming. I need to get shopping!

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