The big spring tidy up was completed this weekend. The dead, dying and sick were brutally ripped out to make way for new growth.
Violas were pretty much spent so the baskets and tubs were given a good tidy up. This box below is a favourite for our wren.
I had a bit of a mishap while cutting off the old foliage from this Japanese Anemone...I sheared off the whole stems of the clematis Montana which had found its way into the plant! My only hope is that I have planted it deep enough and some dormant buds are forced into growth!
The fuchsia behind the washing pole has been given a hard prune; the oldest stems harder than the youngsters. Already there are some healthy buds sprouting.
Hidden behind one of the water butts are some flower buds that are poised to burst open. I can't wait as they're supposed to be scented.
Around the garden there has been a good tidy up of old stems, leaves and
Peony shoots, fat and red. I'm hoping this will flower this year. Behind you can just make out the fresh new shoots of dicentra spectablis.
The front garden needed very little weeding, but we have moved a fair few plants from the far end. The fence is going to be replaced and experience tells me that workmen's boots and plants do not mix.
The dark pink hydrangea has been permanently moved to the back garden to replace the hypericum, the latter which already has new leaves smothered in tell tale signs of rust - so out it went!
The blue hydrangea has been given a temporary home in a pot of ericaceous compost.
White astrantia temporarily finds a home on Bumblebee's plot. It needs splitting and some of the divisions planted in the pink bed. For now it will be happy enough.
Back out front, the rose 'Tall Story' has had a good prune.
All the ivy has had a haircut.
And the snowdrops have been divided and replanted.
Oh yes, and that aubretia planted. Let's see how it fares.
Nothing better on a sunny spring morning than a colourful pot of bulbs.